Bash script: Change your MAC address

Handy script to change your MAC address. Useful for testing. Or bypassing time-limited WiFi’s in coffee shops.

Changing your MAC address is one command: sudo ifconfig "$INTERFACE" ether "$NEW_MAC".

But you need to remember the MAC address format, come up with a new address, and remember the old address if you want to restore it (without rebooting your machine).

The following script offers a simpler interface:

mac-incr      # increase the MAC address
mac-incr -d   # decrease the MAC address

The complete code is below or can be downloaded from this github gist.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e


function mac_add_delta() {
  local mac="0x${1//\:/}"
  local delta="$2"
  local new_mac="$(printf "%x" $((mac + delta)))"  # no 0x
  echo "${new_mac:0:2}:${new_mac:2:2}:${new_mac:4:2}:${new_mac:6:2}:${new_mac:8:2}:${new_mac:10:2}"

if [[ $1 == "-d" ]]; then

MAC=$(ifconfig "$INTERFACE" | grep ether | tr -d ' \t' | cut -c 6-42)
NEW_MAC=$(mac_add_delta "$MAC" "$DELTA")

echo "$INTERFACE old mac: $MAC"
echo "$INTERFACE new mac: $NEW_MAC"
echo "Applying setting with sudo"
sudo ifconfig "$INTERFACE" ether "$NEW_MAC"