About me

Gil Vegliach's avatar
Hi all! I’m Gil and this is my blog about software engineering. Currently, I’m a backend engineer in a large corporation. Before that, I worked as a software engineer in multiple roles for companies of different domains and sizes. My goal is to help people by sharing ideas useful in a developer’s day-to-day job. My background is in mathematics and computational logic.



All ideas and materials in this blog are my own my personal opinions and are not related to, and do not represent, any of my employers, current or past. Furthermore, some blog posts might contain affiliate links.


Scientific Publications

  • Andreas Bauer, Jan-Christoph Küster, and Gil Vegliach.
    The ins and outs of first-order runtime verification.
    Formal Methods in System Design 46(3)
    [pdf] [bibtex]
  • Andreas Bauer, Jan-Christoph Küster, and Gil Vegliach.
    From propositional to first-order monitoring.
    Proc. 4th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV),
    volume 8174 of LNCS. Springer, Sep. 2013.
    (Proofs also available in arXiv:1303.3645.)
    [pdf (with proofs)] [bibtex]
  • Andreas Bauer, Jan-Christoph Küster, and Gil Vegliach.
    Runtime Verification meets Android Security.
    Proc. 4th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM),
    volume 7226 of LNCS. Springer, Apr. 2012.
    [pdf] [bibtex]
  • Werner Nutt, Simon Razniewski, and Gil Vegliach.
    Incomplete Databases: Missing Records and Missing Values.
    Proc. 17th Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA),
    volume 7240 of LNCS. Springer, Apr. 2012.
    [pdf] [bibtex]

University Theses

  • Gil Vegliach, MSc thesis.
    Monitoring of data-centric business rules and processes.
  • Gil Vegliach, BSc thesis.
    Tecnologia della dimostrazione—Sviluppo di uno scenario di verifica automatica.